Art in Motion: the Aesthetics of Animation

Lecture by Stephan Leeper

Huntington University, Sept 26, 2016

Guide to Media and Quotes



Donald Hudson

   A transcendent view of art transforms the earthly for the purpose of disclosing a deeper reality to our existence here on earth."

Art is an important element of community that helps me to understand myself by questioning me rather than merely affirming me.

On Earth as it is in Heaven, Mars Hill Review 2 May 1995

Mako Fujimura  A Letter from God to North American Churches


"A painter does not merely reproduce what is thought to be seen by the eye. An artist’s task is to train the eye first to truly see . . . into the eternal, into the invisible.


A musician’s task is to hear, to listen to the sounds of the world.  Bach. . . heard the echoes of the music of the spheres and sought to synthesize what he heard.


Do you not see what I see in a dancer’s leap? It can never be repeated, even in eternity. Yet, eternity’s echoes ring throughout the body, and I dance with them. --- God


A Letter from God to North American Churches, October 10, 2010

Martin Buber "Creation is not a hurdle on the road to God, it is the road itself."


GK Chesterton

We have all forgotten what we really are. All that we call common sense and rationality and practicality…only means that… we forget that we have forgotten. All that we call spirit and art and ecstasy only means that for one awful instant we remember that we forget.

 Ethics of Elfland G.K.Chesterton

CS Lewis "Lucy's Most Beautiful Story"


The Voyage of the Dawntreader CS Lewis

Thomas Merton "Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time."



2. Films

Pope John Paul II- A Letter to Artists; "Beauty Will Save the World"

Be Gone Dull Care,  Visual Music/Paint on film by Norman McLaren

Pas de Duex  or "Dance for Two",  Optical film printing by Norman McLaren

Fresh Guacamole by PES

Tchou-Tchou, Stop-motion animation by Co Hoedeman

The Owl Who Married a Goose,  Sand animation by Caroline Leaf

Father and Daughter,  Digital/ Charcoal animation by Michael duDok de Wit

Hedgehog in the Fog, Cut-out animation by Yuri Norstein

Amnesty international 50th Anniversary, Mixed media by Carlos Lascono

Un Jour, Digital animation by Marie Paccou


The Temptation of Br. Thomas 2016 Teaser