Shoot Block Test in Dragonframe (teams of 3)
Each team will set up foam blocks in a compelling configuration on the stop motion sweep. Each team member will then adjust the camera placement, lense focal length, exposure, lighting and focus to achieve one of the following images.
Close-up: Block configuration fills frame without breaking the edges.
Medium Shot: Block configuration takes up approximatly a third of the frame.
Wide Shot: Block configuration is relatively small in the frame without revealing edges of sweep.
What to Look for:
- Solid composition and framing.
- Good balance between Key Light and Fill. No double shadow and evenly lit background.
- Correct exposure, color correction (white balance).
- Sharp focus, vibrant colors, and clear texture.
Pro tips:
- Don't rely on "Live View" for your final exposure setting. Open your Test Shot in Finder before wrapping.
- Digital photography is more forgiving with a slightly under-exposed image (darker) than over-exposed (washed out).
- Details can be retrieved from an under-exposed image in post editing (photoshop-levels tool).
Set-up Shoot - Full Team
- Set up shoot station.
- Start a new Dragonframe project and go to the CINEMATOGRAPHY tab.
Wide Shot - Team Member #1
- Set up a compeling block configuration to camera. Starting with the wide shot avoids complications later.
- Adjust lense focal length, lights, exposure and focus.
- Shoot Test Shot. Examine image full frame in Finder for best results.
Medium Shot - Team Member #2
- Stay in Dragonframe scene while the next team member sets up a new block configuration for a medium shot.
- Adjust lense focal length, lights, exposure and focus.
- Shoot Test Shot. Examine image full frame in Finder for best results.
Close Shot - Team Member #3
- Repeat previous steps for close shot.
Wrap Shoot and Zero out Station - Full Team
- Rename and upload all images to BaseCamp.
- Put away camera, blocks and clean sweep.
- Note condition of station in
- Full resolution.jpg
Name: simpsonB_blocks.jpg
Stephan Leeper Central Michigan University - 2024